Tuesday, November 11, 2014

EMP Biom Files

Not too sure what to do with .biom files from S.Gibbons
Two files:

Need to figure out how to pull Curtobacterium metadata from above master files

***Neither attempt has been able to utilize the open reference .biom file - ERROR***

Attempt 1:
  • QIIME - filter_samples_from_otu_table.py
    • Under "List-based Filtering":
      • -i full_emp_table_w_tax_closedref.biom
      • --sample_id_fp curto-only.txt
  • RESULT: nothing
  • PROBLEM: curto-only.txt contains OTUs, not individual samples
Attempt 2:
  • QIIME - filter_otus_from_otus_table.py
    • Use feature to extract Curtobacterium OTUs
      • -i full_emp_table_w_tax_closedref.biom
      • -e curto.only.txt #this excludes samples from new .biom
      • --negate_ids_to_exclude 
  • RESULT: generates new .biom file
  • PROBLEM: I think it only contains a handful of OTUs, or not working?
    • Summary table from .biom
      • Num samples: 15481
      • Num observations: 2
      • Total count: 197
      • Table density (fraction of non-zero values): 0.005
    • Compared to Summary table from master .biom
      • Num samples: 15481
      • Num observations: 69444
      • Total count: 654448644
      • Table density (fraction of non-zero values): 0.016
    • Generated by "biom summarize-table" function 

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