Thursday, February 26, 2015

BACE - DNA combination and Ship

Some samples still have poor yields, so combine samples and reconcentrate

Followed protocol for Amicon Pro Purification System:

 MCBA15 004 - combine 4.1 and 4.2 from 2/25
 MCBA15 007 - combine from both extraction days
 MCBA15 015 - combine from both extraction days
 MCBA15 017 - combine from both extraction days
 MCBA15 019 - combine 19.1 and 19.2 from 2/25
 MMLR15 020 - combine from both extraction days

Quantified with Qubit on BioTek at 485/530 nM

Sample ID     Concentration (ng/uL)   Volume (uL)
MCBA15 004           20.8                 95
MCBA15 007            7.7                 90
MCBA15 015           34.9                100
MCBA15 017*          81.0                100 
MCBA15 019           11.0                 90
MMLR15 020            4.9                 95
 *split in two  

Shipped out sample on 3/3/15 (due to weather):

Sample ID        Total DNA (ng)
MCBA15 004          1976.0
MCBA15 007           693.0
MMLR15 010*          672.0
MMLR15 011*          616.0
MCBA15 015          3490.0
MCBA15 017          3645.0
MCBA15 019           990.0

Samples delivered and received 3/4/15 - email from Michael

Samples not sent out due to poor yields:

MMLR15 018 - slow growing
MCBA15 021 - Frigoribacterium; did not redo
MMLR15 022 - Frigoribacterium; did not redo

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