Tuesday, March 17, 2015

EMP, GreenGenes - Make Local DB and BLAST

Create a reference database from my GreenGenes + 16S strains

I used the rep_seqs that were generated when I created my phyla tree as my database.
Made a new file - curto-db.fasta
*these are aligned rep_set seqs

Two ways to create your own local database:

1.   Use the BLAST command line

The sequences need to be in a specific format:

DNA here

$ makeblastdb -in curto-db.fasta -dbtype nucl -out curto.db

Find out more details HERE

2. Use Geneious

Tools -> Sequence Search

Window pops up and click "Add/Remove Databases" - select "Add Sequence Database"
Follow instructions (ie. select 'nucleotide' and 'custom BLAST')

Perform Sequence Search again, but this time Select "Database" and scroll to your new custom database!


Next, BLAST the EMP seqs against my local database.
*The EMP seqs were generated from QIIME assign_taxonomy.py and took those who identified with Curtobacterium with greater 0.67 quality score
*The seqs are also extremely short - less than 200 bp

Export the data to a .txt file

Really strange results - EMP seqs hit rep_seqs at equal frequency
Need to look at seqs in Geneious and check alignments!

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